Meet your wise body
The more you understand how your body works, the better you two will get along, so you can both enjoy your life!
There’s a lot more to come here — answers to things people ask most often, and topics important to all bodies.
Check back to read about improving your balance, whether you should stretch (and how!), keeping your achey joints moving well, and why I avoid the word “exercise.”
To improve your balance, you must get OFF-balance. But in a safe way, of course.
All bodies have their own innate wisdom for growing, moving, repairing, recovering and maintaining health -- even yours.
I talk and write a lot about finding the right moves for your body, but what does that mean? How many moves are there, really?
This new look and name are a nod to wisdom -- the wisdom of the body, the wisdom of mature adults, and the wisdom contained in the right moves for you.